Back in February of 2010 I came out to Seattle to find an apartment for my family as we began the process of moving from Maryland to Washington State. At Thirty years old I took my family on a journey across the country to follow God where He was leading us. On this particular trip I went to a Bar Mitzvah in San Diego first. So, on my way to Seattle I had to stop in San Francisco. Because of this particular path I found myself flying over Oregon on my way to Seattle. I saw Mt. Hood and Crater Lake (I even took pictures from the plane with my iPhone).
It struck me as I was flying that God was doing an awesome thing for me as His child. I realized that God was in our move and that God was with us because I could have never planned that at Thirty years old God would bring me back to the northwest. At around the same age that my parents were when they left. With children around the same age that my brother and I as we drove. Passing the place that my parents have told me about my whole life but I had not seen with my own eyes. Not as a baby (in a basket in the back of a station wagon) but as a grown man. Not as a son, but as a dad. Not without purpose, but to grow a Messianic Synagogue.
Since about the age of ten I have wanted to be a Messianic Rabbi. I was a Rabbi in New York for a few years and then in Maryland for ten months. As I approach a year of being in Seattle, I am really excited for all that God is doing in me and at Beit Messiah. My heart is full, my eyes are set on the goal of reaching my people and my feet are hitting the ground doing the work of my heart and eyes.

Do you love what you do?
Are you passionate about your job?
Are you where God wants you?
If your answer to these questions are yes? Praise God!
If your answer to these questions is no?
maybe you should consider stopping what you are doing and going after the things God has called you too. hard? yes. scary? you better believe it. worth it? see above :)
His plans for you are good. He wants you to love and be passionate about what you are doing with your life. Find Him and let Him bring you into your purpose!
Yasher koach! Great post, bro, and many blessings to you and your family in building a vibrant spiritual community in the Seattle area!