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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Holding my boy!

I spent some time with my beautiful 6 month old son yesterday.  It was just the two of us.  I watched "master and commander" with Russell Crowe.  It was a manly activity for two men :)

I was holding Ty and looking outside over the foothills of the cascade mountains and I looked at Ty's face as I held him.  I tried to figure out how I could love him so much.  He can't even talk yet.  As I looked at his face I realized: I love him because he is mine.  I had a part in making him and he is mine.

Not to long ago I helped out at Emma's (my 5 year old) preschool.  Two of the 5 year old boys were arguing over my daughter.  "my Emma" "no my Emma."  I stopped both of them and got down on my knees so I could be at their level and I said "actually, she is MY Emma."

Today is a super clear day in Seattle.  On a day like today I can see the mountains that surround the city.  I think of the Psalm 125:2 "As the mountains surround Jerusalem, so the LORD surrounds His people from this time forth and forever."  I find it amazing that as I hold my son and look at his face, the mountains and hills around Seattle that the creator of the universe sees me the same way.   He loves me because I am His.  He created me and when I do dumb things He still likes my face.  Why?! because He made me and He has great things for me to do with my life!

be encouraged Friends.  Your His.  He made You.  If your running from Him just turn around.  He wants to hold you and look at your face and enjoy His creation.  He wants to be enjoyed by you the way a baby smiles at his mom and dad.  And man, is that smile worth a lot!

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