We, Messianic Jews, do not exist to trick/deceive our Jewish people into Christianity. We are not trying to lure unsuspecting Jews into denying the God of Israel. We believe in all sincerity that Yeshua is Who He said He is: the One we've been waiting for -- Mashiach.
Sometimes the name Yeshu is used by non-Messianic Jews to describe Yeshua. But these names do not mean the same thing. The name "Yeshu" is actually an acronym for the formula (ימח שמו וזכרו(נו (Y'mach Sh'mo V'Zichro) meaning "may his name and memory be obliterated." When non-Messianic Jews use this name, it is an intentionally derogatory name for Yeshua. They treat Yeshua like he is the Voldemort of Judaism -- as in "You-Know-Who" or "He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named".
I get it; they don't believe as I do. I get that what I believe is insulting to some. I understand that non-Messianic Jews would rather I not describe myself as Jewish; and, in fact, believe I am not Jewish. My mother is not Jewish (my dad is). My wife is not Jewish (her husband is). Yet, according to the Torah I still qualify. The truth is I do not follow the rules of orthodoxy and they don't follow my rules either. My last name is Rosenberg. I look like any other kid of Eastern European Jewish descent. I can't help what I am: a Jew who believes in Jesus; a Jew who believes he lives up to the Hebrew name his parents gave him -- Yeshua (Salvation). I am rightfully insulted when non-Messianic Jews refer to Yeshua as Yeshu.
In a similar sense some who claim to be Messinaic/"Hebrew Roots" like to use the spelling Yahshua. It is an attempt to fit "Yah" into Yeshua's name. I get it. But it doesn't work grammatically and scholars overwhelming reject "Yahshua" as a legit Hebrew name.

If your mother is not Jewish - what do you mean by "Yet, according to the Torah I still qualify"
ReplyDeleteAlmost all of the important men in the Torah married Gentiles and their children were Jewish. In the same way I remain Jewish.
DeleteIncluding all of our Fathers (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob), as a matter of fact Jacob married FOUR (4) Gentile women, from whom came ALL twelve tribes. There is SO much more Scriptural evidence supporting paternal Jewish descent than maternal, and the Torah allows for either.
DeleteMoses married an Ethiopian in Numbers 12...I doubt his children were considered goyim.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteRight Happy Rabbi, you are Jewish because of the blood line goes through the father, not the mother! This is important, because when the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary and she conceived that "Holy Thing"(Luke 1:35), it had Gods blood, Gods pure, perfect, sinless blood. This made Jesus the "perfect Lamb of God", which was slain from the foundation of the World, Revelation 13:8. Capable to be the propitiation (payment) for our sins: and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world" 1 John 2:2. Thanks
DeleteYou're not only confused and clearly deceived, but you are misleading many souls. The name of the Messiah is YAHSHUA derived form His father's name YAHWEH. Jesus is a false god created by Emperor Constantine to unite the pagan cults of ancient Rome. Read more here: http://thetalkingpot.wordpress.com/2013/01/12/the-great-deception/
ReplyDeleteactually, no, you're wrong.... look CLOSELY......http://yahushua.net/YAHUWAH/chapter_09.htm
Deleteamen Yah Shua! Son of Yah!
DeleteThanks to the freedom of information and ability to communicate that we have these days, it's great to see that faithful believers continue to press on, not simply accepting whatever they get told, but seeking after the Creator and having faith in the Son. Let's not get caught up in the all too easy pattern of condemnation when others haven't had the same revelations/information as you. Remember that His Name ultimately transcends what we consider to be a name - it is a description to His people of who He is, what He does, and what He can be for us if we will let Him.
DeleteIt is clear why you chose to be anonymous but the King of Glory knows you and knows your desire for the truth. Jesus was born into a Jewish family, lived in Israel, ministered in Israel, was sentenced on the plea of the Jews, was seen by hundreds of Jews after His resurrection, and was preached on by Jews. Read Isaiah 53 in the Torah to see what was prophesied about this Jew - Jesus
DeleteWe can debate the correct spelling and pronunciation of His name, but that will not change who HE is! He is Emmanuel - Yah with us, and there is no other name under heaven which assures us of salvation [Peter the Jew stated that]
DeleteI like this lively conversation and ask that it be kept respectful. We can disagree on a myriad facets yet bear in mind that there are untold millions that need to be brought to the foot of the cross of Ha Mashiach.
DeleteWould love to be Jewish! I am a Christian. Have recently been going through the Old Testament, especially Psalms and Isaiah, looking for verses that include the Hebrew word Y'howshua (Strongs 3091). It's amazing to read the verses out loud using the name Joshua or Jesus instead of salvation. For example; from Is 60:18 - "Violence shall no longer be heard in your land, neither wasting nor destruction within your borders, but you will call your walls Y'shuwah/Jesus and your gates praise (tehillah)". It's a mind-opening exercise! Kept thinking of Matt 1:21 and wondering how so many failed to see that Jesus was the Son of God, the Saviour. Because God has blinded their eyes? Because the truth was hidden in the open for everyone to see? Found a book last week called "From the Field" with a chapter by Dan Sered of Israel where he mentions that Yeshu was a derogatory name used by those who don't know Y'shua. Wanted to know more about the meaning of Yesha so found this site. Thank you Matt for the info.
ReplyDeleteYou would love to be Jewish? From what I've learned, there is a likelihood you are and don't know it. In 2013, I discovered that my entire family is what is called crypto-jews. That is, Jews pretending to be Gentiles. Apparently, only the Christians - me, my mother and her parents - were kept out of the loop of the family secret as all other family members are high degree freemasons and thereby worshipping satan. Get the book, The Grandees: America's Sephardic Elite, by Stephen Birmingham published in 1971. You can find it "used" on Amazon. The book details the fascinating story of the "Jewish" Mayflower as well as many histories of the earliest semitic groups in the USA. Birmingham's book confirms my belief that there are huge groups of crypto-jews in the USA. I've also had too many friends to mention tell me they have Jewish heritage since I learned of my own. God bless. -Cynthia
Deletedagnyatl - wow thanks for the post and info
DeleteEuropeans aren't the real Jew. They are converts, khazars, ashkenazi
DeleteYeshua taught from the Written Torah and Oral Torah to confirm He was the Moshiach. He had nothing of christianity. If you study the Torah Promises of the Moshiach, you will find that He will make us One with HaShem, and will, for example, do away with kosher laws, as He cleanses everything.
ReplyDeleteYou have to fully study what He taught to know what is our Reality in Him. I study the Oral Law and Kabbalah from Hassidism and see the man Yeshua knowing and walking in all that knowledge which was not secret at that time.
Many Messianic Jews have taken on parts of christianity or are observing the Law without the understanding of how the Law has changed AFTER Moshiach came. The Jews themselves do not have a full understanding of how life will be after He is revealed to them, and say that it will be awesome and beyond what they can expect, but do not know how it will be exactly.
We are to be in real time led by the Spirit of HaShem - Romans 8:14, because He has said that eye has not seen, nor ear heard what HaShem has in store for those who are part of Him...(English kjv translation says "love Him).
We are in the Moshiach, part of Him, His Bride, as the Devar HaShem (The Word) says. We are to walk as He is on this earth. See 1John 4:17.
shua: a cry for help don't you know the only name that has been prophesied is Yahusha the name that comes by Heavenly Father is Yahuah when you add vowels to Hebrew language you change the Meaning an you know at the time of Messiah disciples spoke with Ancient Hebrew Paleo Hebrew with out vowels can you see the connection without even looking in the Tanakh even thoughYahusha is written 216 times. The connection is in Yahusha Savior. Redeemer Halleluyah our Forgiver there is no connection with Yeshhua Yahshua Jesus God Lord only titles false name for Messiah Daughter of Jacob The only name that is Prophesied. I only listened to the Message not the name because a least we have pretty much scriptures in line that in common. It is in the strong concordance
ReplyDeleteIt is true that Yahudit don't need to convert to Christianity just need to accept Yahusha as their savior remember the Messiah was not a gentile He was a Rabbi Yahudit Hebrew It is the Christian needs to convert to Messiah ways and do they very best to follow ten commandments as well any other people's beliefs Observe sukkokt, feast of tabernacles and Sahbbot which is Saturday Rosh Hashana Sep 14-15, 2015 M‑Tu The Jewish New Year
ReplyDeleteYom Kippur Sep 23, 2015 W Day of Atonement
Sukkot Sep 28-29, 2015 M‑Tu
Sep 30-Oct 4, 2015 W‑Su Feast of Tabernacles
Shmini Atzeret Oct 5, 2015 M Eighth Day of Assembly
Simchat Torah Oct 6, 2015 Tu Day of Celebrating the Torah
Chanukah Dec 7-14, 2015 M‑M The Jewish festival of rededication, also known as the Festival of Lights
Purim Mar 24, 2016 Th Purim is one of the most joyous and fun holidays on the Jewish calendar
Pesach Apr 23-24, 2016 Sa‑Su
Apr 25-28, 2016 M‑Th
Apr 29-30, 2016 F‑Sa Passover, the Feast of Unleavened Bread
Shavuot Jun 12-13, 2016 Su‑M Festival of Weeks, commemorates the giving of the Torah at Mount Sinai
Tish'a B'Av Aug 14, 2016 Su The Ninth of Av, fast commemorating the destruction of the two Temples
truth teller!
ReplyDeleteshalom! Yod Shin Vav Ayin translaterated as Yeshua is the true hebrew name of our Savior. It is the short form of Yehoshua translated Joshua in English. In the latter part of the Tanakh commonly known as the Old Testament, the shorter form Yeshua appears several times. But how did it become Jesus. Personally, i believe that Jesus has a hellenistic origin. and I dont believe that Yeshua and Jesus are just the same. The Bible says there is no other name given in heaven by which we will be save. and the Savior's name is Yeshua. Jesus I would say is the corruption of the name Yeshua. here is why. Yeshua when tranlaterated to Greek becomes Iesus, they take out the letter Y and change it with letter I. and where is the letter h? it was taken coz there is no SH in greek only letter S and where is the letter A? it was also taken coz greek names dont end with a letter A coz names ending in A are feminine names to Greek and why the last letter S? coz greek names usually ends with letter S. But YES i believe that Yeshua has archaelogical proof. being the name of our Savior. the James ossuary attests to this fact.
ReplyDeleteYour translation work still incomplete brother, although you are on the right track - continue you will see it is Yahusha - but remember that in the ancient Hebrew language a name is not just the words and the sound of the letters phonetically, it is also the whole character and reputation of the person, and their destiny being fulfilled in this life. He comes in His Father's Name, and His Father's Name is given as "I am who I am/I will be who I will be" ... Start to pray "Our Father in heaven, YOU ARE!" Start to pray, "in the Name of your Son, who's Name declares that YOU ARE salvation, and YOU SAVE!"
DeleteIesus actually is used in the Latin texts.
DeleteThis is a very interesting article. However, I would suggest changing your 'legit' to 'legitimate', because if we are talking about word forms, legitimate is the proper form. Sorry, but that is one of my pet peeves. Thank you for the article, however!
ReplyDeleteYeshua HaNatzri V'Melech HaYehudim
Here is your proof, if you deny him now then you know what happens to those who deny the God of Israel.
Yeshua HaNatzri V'Melech HaYehudim
Here is your proof, if you deny him now then you know what happens to those who deny the God of Israel.
ReplyDeleteexcellent article...i had a powerful encounter with Yeshua who asked me to call Him Yeshua (i was using "Jesus" in the beginning). His original Name contains the meaning of Salvation.
That wasn't an encounter with the Lord.
DeleteIf you are Hebrew his name is Yeshua, but if you are English (as the ones who translated our bibles, like Tyndale)his name is Joshua. Trust me, Jesus knows all his names and will answer to them! When Mary (Myriam in Hebrew)was told to name her son, he (the angel) said Yeshua, and Mary instantly understood that name, as it was the name of the one who lead her people into the material promised land, Joshua the son of Nun. But now, Joshua the Son of God will lead her people into the spiritual promised land! Thanks
DeleteYeshua, the rock of Israel!
ReplyDeleteYeshua Ha Mashiach; Melech Ha Melachim v Adon Ha Adonim! מלך המלכים אדון האדונים
ReplyDeleteThe Greek new testament writes iesou (matthew 1:1), iesous and iesoun are different grammatical forms (accusative, nominative). Now iesou sounds exactly like the blasphemous yeshu. Can you help me out here?
ReplyDeleteWhere are your references for your information so I can find the same answers you are explaining. How I am to know that you are speaking truth unless you reveal your source.
ReplyDeleteHi im from south africa i believe in son of messiah but now the is this confusion of yeshua.yehoshua and yahoshua and also plz clarify about word christ ?
DeleteReally seems to be Yahushua... Or Yehushua... Am finding that all of the Messianic Congregations here use the six pointed star of Moloch and the name Yeshua and support the terrorist Rothschild state of 'Israel", those who say they are Yehudim and are not, but do lie.
ReplyDeleteI found out the other day when reading the normally rejected Gospel of Philip. that Jesus / iesous is called a "hidden" name". and it means redemption.
ReplyDeleteThats if you believe the Gospel of Philip's story or the translation of it. It's the most easiest answer regarding the origin of the name of iesous.
if people read it and believed it, there should not be as much confusion about it.
in saying that. Yeshua appeared to me at the end of my bed in a external vision in 2017 and the first thing he said to me in my head was.
"i want you to know me as Yeshua the Messiah from now on",
he also said to me "xerxes was a king and he was called by his name, don't i have the same right?"
he also said, "true christians know me as Yeshua the Messiah"
and that knowing him as Yeshua the Messiah, is the key to unlocking the book of Revelations.
This comment has been removed by the author.
DeleteReally, he told you to call him "Yeshua"? Goodness, find it really hard to believe you, since the Hebrew speaking folks would call him Yeshua, but us English speaking folks call him Joshua. Thats just common sense, which is not so common today!
Deletemy name is mario serfontein.a born again christian from south africa.quarelling about names and debating who's who is the biggest mistake anyone can make in the name of our saviour.whether you are gentile or jew is irrelevant as long as you express the love for the Son of God as you should.should call yourself a child of God.scripture clearly states that He has chosen a people that will exept unconditionally.the bucket is being missed by a me as long as we quarrel among each other.no room for quarelling at the feet of christ.should we consider the new testament as the truth?yes.shuold we deny the old testament because Christ sayd He came to fullfill the law and not chsnge it?surely not.study the scripture dillegently and God will reveal truths to you you never knwew.in quarelling you are not expressing the love for Jesus,Yeshua,Yashua or whatever spelli g you use for His name.grow up.
ReplyDeleteOpen any electronic bible with a Strong's concordance numbering system.
Search Jesus
Click the Strongs number. G2424
It takes you to Of Hebrew Origin H3091
That name is NOT Yeshua, Yahshua, nor Yeshu.
Look it up. . Your time is short.
You pray to the Father in the name of His Son. What's His Sons Hebrew name?
Try put a different name into a banking app..will the password work?
How did you feel the last time someone called you a variation of your name?
Ie... You pray to YHVH aka YAHWEH in the name of
Y A H _ _ _ _ _ ?
After that here is the hebrew for Messiah, which He is.
DeleteHear it audibly here...
Right, his name would be Yeshua, just as the angel told Mary. She understood this name as, “deliverer, savior,” just as the first "Yeshua the son of Nun" was the deliverer, savior of the Hebrews when leading them into the physical promised land. Now her son, "Yeshua the Son of God", would lead them into the spiritual land.
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