We are in the days of the counting of the Omer (Day 11, 12 at sundown if your keeping track). Leviticus 23 tells us to count the fifty days that fall between Pesach and Shavuot. During Passover we had three services and a seder in one week. A week later I am still pretty tired. Don't get me wrong, I love Passover and it makes me sad every year that so many Jewish people (and the rest of the world) are aware of Passover but so many have never even heard about the 50 days or Shavuot (aka Pentecost).
Together these three events on the Jewish calendar are called the season of freedom. The God of Israel accomplished many things during this season. At Passover God gave us freedom from slavery in Egypt and freedom from sin and death with the death and resurrection of Yeshua. During the days of Omer we traveled from Egypt to Sinai in fifty days and Yeshua appeared resurrected to His disciples for the first forty and ascended into heaven. On Shavuot God gave us the Torah and the Ruach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit) many years apart but on the same day. Awesome! These are the best fifty days on the Jewish calendar!
These are such amazing days for Israel, the nations and for all of creation. The God who created us set these events in motion to call us to remember that not only is He real but He is intimately involved in His creation.
So much attention for a really great wedding and a reminder in that wedding of all that God has done for you and me! Embrace the season of freedom and the one, Yeshua your Messiah, who has set you free for freedom (Galatians 5).